POPSUGAR: in 2022, i interviewed vice president kamala harris in an exclusive sit-down about abortion rights and the midterms. i also profiled chanel miller for the five-year anniversary of #metoo; she spoke about how she’s forged a previously inconceivable reality. i’ve conceived of and launched high-impact projects on everything from friendship within the apia community to the 50th anniversary of roe v. wade.

THE WASHINGTON POST: over the course of a year, i sent disposable cameras to 25 women across the country, including celebrities such as kristen bell and katie couric. the project, called the disposables, features the unedited lives of those women. explore the the full project, and see how it lives on instagram here.

THE LILY: i covered a range of topics for the lily and the post, including being post-grad in the pandemic, sexist credit cards, music festivals, and trans activists. i drove our daily and features coverage, and edited hundreds of stories about issues of gender and identity, many of which you can read here.

THE ATLANTIC: read a personal essay that i wrote about my grandfather's fight for civil rights as a black doctor. and read a news story that i broke for the atlantic about trump rush-delivering condolence letters to gold star families. 

SO IT GOES MAGAZINE: read a feature that i wrote and photographed.